Apps Basic Starter Deluxe Standard Advance
Accounts Application
Accounts is an App that schools can efficiently use to launch one or more instance(s) of Faceskool for their schools
Audit Application
Audit is an App that lets you track activities of people on your workspaces. Its a historical log of the activities of people who perform administrative tasks on wokspaces for audit purposes
Authentication Application
Authentication is an App that handle account related issues on Faceskool, from sign in, to signout and account password related updates.
Fees Application
Fees is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage student bills, student payments, student outstanding payments or debts, and facilitate automatic invoice generation, payment updates, payment reporting, payment statistics and automatic invoice settlement via established gateways like Flutterwave or Paystack
Gradebook Application
Gradebook is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage performance tracking, grading, assessments and examinations, mid term and end of term transcripts, mid term and end of term reportcards for students. It comes with 10+ pre-built reportcard templates from which a school can choose from
Kademly Application
Kademly is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage academic sessions, terms, classes, class arms, courses/subjects, course instructors and course managers
Mail Application
Mail is an App that is responsible for delivering email notifications for Apps on workapces to their target audience
Messaging Application
Messaging is an App that schools can efficiently use to send out broadcast or normal messages to one or more people on their workspace(s).
Payroll Application
Payroll is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage salary structures, payrolls, loan structures, loan request, loan refunds for staff members. It makes it possible for staff to raise a request for a loan and for accountant to review and approve such loan request
People Application
People is an App that is responsible for managing user records or everyone added to a given school workspace(s) on Faceskool.
Profile Application
Profile is an App that schools can use to efficiently manage the people that make things happen within a workspace. It faciliate viewing and editing of both parents, staff and students profile pages
Pupil Application
Pupil is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage student information, enrollments or admissions, class progresses, class promotions, and academic deferments of students. It also faciliate swapping classes for students and managing students that have left the school
Roles Application
Roles is an App that schools can efficiently use to manage access rights of everyone on their workspaces as well as define specific roles that people are allowed to perform by setting permissions for people depending on their roles
Settings Application
Settings is an App that schools can efficiently use to perform various custom configurations that affects their workspace(s) and individual accounts.
Store Application
Store is an App that lets you browse through a plethora of Apps built by both Faceskool engineers and individual contributors to extend the capabilities of a given school workspace(s) on Faceskool.
Story Application
Story is an App that facilitate real time conversations on workspaces. It makes it possible for people to share stories, videos, photos, links, and birthday shout outs for team members and automatically remind people of upcoming birthdays
Workboard Application
Workboard is an App that schools can efficiently use to easily keep track of the work that staff members are doing on a daily basis, from the moment they get started to the time they complete the task. Easily tell what a given staff had accomplised within a week
Workspace Application
Workspace is an App that schools can efficiently use to create and manage branches of their schools, segment people in to various isolated categories, this could be the various branches of the school or the departments in the school