Creating a Workspace When creating a new school workspace on Faceskool, you will be asked to choose a name for it. The name will uniquely identify your workspace. In most cases you should choose a variant of your school name or its acronym as your workspace name. For example, if your school is called Saint Murumba College, you might choose Saint Murumba College or Murumba College.

If you have a school with several branches, you can become very creative with naming their workspaces. Using the example above if you have a branch say in Lagos and in Abuja, besides the Jos branch, you could create 3 workspaces with names like Murumba College Abuja , Murumba College Lagos and Murumba College Jos or you can also go the way of SMC Abuja,SMC Lagos and SMC Jos

Workspaces are the building block of the Faceskool platform, with plethora of Apps to install within your workspace.

See below for further discussion. Workspace names must comply with some policy rules, which are detailed below. These rules are intended to prevent abuse, and workspace name chosen in good faith using common sense will very rarely run afoul of them.

Work better and together Faceskool workspaces provide you, your team and your community (Parents and Students) a platform to communicate, share information, and stay connected through various channels like the real time news feed channel, the private forums to get involved in an engaged discussions that can bother around any topic and the monthly automated newsletters that keep everyone updated on what has happened in the last previous month within a workspace.

You can also send out broadcast messages to members of a workspace in real time and have all of them notified of whatever it is, you want them to be informed about really fast. Its also common for people to setup future reminders that get delivered to their inbox on the date of their choosen as well as have a carefully planned academic timetable that notifies teachers and admins about class periods, and who is on call for a period.


Guide for naming your workspace Workspace names must follow these rules:
  • Workspace names must be between 5 and 64 characters long, inclusive.
  • Workspace names must contain only uppercase/lowercase latin letters ("a" through "z" and "A" through "Z" inclusive).
  • Workspace names must start with a letter.
  • Workspace names must be unique.
  • Workspace names must not violate any policy rules, explained below.

Simply, smart payroll Payroll is an App you can install on your workspace to help you coordinate your team member payroll and loan management. It makes it easy for your team members to seemlessly request for loan, for an admin to review the the loan request to decide if it should be granted or not and for members to eventually receive the loan or have it denied for some reasons, in a more organized way.

Team member monthly payroll are automatically generated for you after you have manually worked on it for the first time. Subsequent ones are automatically generated for you to review and make changes as needed. If a team member is on a loan, the App takes care of keeping track of the loan refund from the member monthly salary until its completely paid off.


Automate annual, maternity and sick Leave Profile is an App that comes pre-installed with your workspace and has an excellent automated processes for managing team member leave requests.

From intiating a leave request by a team member, to getting the request reviewed and either approved or denied, Profile App have all those processes automated and both member making the leave requesting and the manager handling the approval or denial are kept in sync at every stage of the process.

Audit at Your finger tips Audit is an App that comes pre-installed with your workspace and provides you with a powerful insight into what you team members are doing in your running workspaces.

You can review the audit log to know when a team member last logged in, who changed things around in your workspace, who deleted an important thing, who created something that should not have been created etc.


A board work flow Working with the Workboard App, begins with creating one or more projects that needs to be executed and adding team members to projects with their respective execution roles in each of the projects.

Create one or more boards and add projects to them, afterwards team members can go ahead to start creating stories on the board describing details of the work to be done. Once people start picking off work to do, you begin to visual see work move across the board from todo to done and at any point in time you can look at the board to know the work progress of your team members.

A work in progress Faceskool engineers believe that every software is a work in progress, and so we are constantly working not only to add new features on Faceskool platform to make it even better, but also to improve on features already added to make the lives of our customers even better by taking their feedback and incorporating them in to Faceskool.

New features are automatically made available to all running workspaces. We are the first customer of our own software, we rely on it on a daily basis to carry out our individual and collective tasks, if there is something broken, we are often the first to notice and fix it even before our other customers notice it.